Wednesday 22 March 2017

Shoot list.

Shoot List

Your shot list is an essential document designed to help you stay on track the director and cameraman will use this document with the story board to direct actors and shoot the film.  You will need to show evidence of a shot list for the 2 minutes of the film opening. Please see the attached exemplar and not the concise recording of the narrative and type of shot used.    The table below is a short extract from a duration and total elapsed time of the shots... The students shot 96 different shots to create their final music video!

Planning for Shoots.

 Planning for Shoots.

Fail to plan and plan to fail?

Planning is an essential part of the film making, equipment, actors and locations need to be booked.  But what about some of the periphery aspects that need to be addressed to make your shoot successful.   Who has heard of the Top gear fiasco which resulted in a producer being punched simply because a shoot overran and the producer failed to arrange a hot meal for the actors (Jeremy Clarkson).     You will need to plan all aspects of the shoot, what do you need to bring camera, tripod, props, costumes, etc.   which person is responsible for bringing these items to the shoot, etc.
 Please find an exemplar that should help you to construct a "Shoot Plan"

Plans For Shooting

Dates: 21/12/15 & 23/12/15


  • Josh & Crew arrive at Kieran's house for 6am
  • Assemble all equipment/props in car and leave for 6.30am for Carthagena Fishery, EN10 6TA for 7am. Main actor to meet at the location, due to the close proximity of it to his house. This is shorter distance would also be more suitable for the transportation of the actor's dog, who is also appearing in the film. (Key is needed to get through the main gate)
  • Car parking is available close to the location to allow for the easy transportation of equipment.
  • In the case of an emergency we will use the car park as a checkpoint and will assemble here, before making our way to the public footpath past Carthagena Lock.
Costume, Hair and Make-up Requirements

The make up will be applied and carried out by Josh Manley. The make up equipment required is as follows:
  • Watercolour paints (for coloration)
  • Liquid Latex (for texture)
  • Tissue Paper (for texture)
  • Mud (for texture/colour)
All of these materials are accessible/ have already been purchased. We will ensure to bring these on the day of the shoot. We will carry out various make up tests prior to the shoot days. We will also ensure to photograph the actor's face excessively on the first day of the shoot after the make up has been applied. This will allow us to ensure that we match the make up on the day of the second shoot to that of the first shoot, in order to maintain continuity throughout the piece.

In terms of costume, this will be minimal, due to the narrative, context of the piece and the underlying messages that we are trying to present. The actor will simply just be wearing underclothes, all of which are already owned by us. He will ensure that he wears these on the day under his casual clothing to ensure ease and simplicity during the costume change.


We will be including the following in our music video shoot:
  • Smoke Bombs
  • Compass
  • Tent
  • Tree Stump
  • Bandages
  • Socks
  • Rocks
  • Wood
  • Drum Kit
  • Sticks
  • Cooking Utensils
  • Fake Blood
  • Fire
  • Animal Skins
  • Food Containers
  • Cigarettes
  • Lighter
  • Drums
  • Bones/Carcasses
Further items needed: 
  • Wheel barrow for transportation
  • Food and Water Supplies
  • Filming Equipment  - 2 Cameras (Canon70D, Canon 600D) - Lenses (Canon 24-105 USM L Lens, Canon 50mm prime Lens, Canon 35-70mm Zoom Lens, Canon 70-300mm Zoom Lens) - Filters (UV, Hexagonal) - 2x Tripods, 1x Camera Slider, 1x Light Reflector
All of the properties above have been purchased or are available to us on the day of the shoot and we will ensure to arrange them all the day before.

Lighting Requirements

Throughout the entirety of the shoot we will be utilising natural light only, as the entirety of the shoot will be in daylight hours. We have purchased a 80cm diameter gold and silver photographic reflector to allow us to harness and disperse this natural light and use it to our advantage where possible.

Shot Types

In our music video, we plan to use a range of shot types including Extreme Close Ups, Close Ups, Mid Shots, Long Shots, Extreme Long Shots, including a variety of camera movements such as tilts, zooms, pans and slides. We will ensure to practise these extensively prior to the shoot to ensure that our technical skills are as good as possible.
Main Influence.

having completed a broad range of primary and secondary research on fil openings you need to summarise.   What were the main influences on the construction of your media text.  In completing this post you will meet the OCR assessment objectives AO1, AO2 and AO4

please find an example  of how you could do this


As in previous posts you will need to make your presentations  multi-media therefore visuals which illustrate your written accounts work well as can be seen below.

EXEMPLAR.Main Influence

We were influenced by a variety of different movies which are as follows:
  • Se7en
  • American Horror Story: Murder House
  • Blair Witch Project
  • American Werewolf in London
  • The Shining
  • The Walking Dead
  • The Call
The techniques that influences us involved editing, camera angles, mise-en-scene and sound. Most of the horror movies operate with low key lighting which is a reoccurring theme within our videos. Additionally, there are a variation of slower shot durations (to increase suspense) or quicker shot durations to increase tension.

The Blair Witch Project

These shots contain fast edits, scraggy handwriting and ominous settings.

American Werewolf in London

Credits production company
Comic aspects employed to set the tone for the horror comedy film.
Title inserted midway through the opening credits
Actors credited first
Other main crew members credited after actors
Hill shots create a feeling of isolation and mystery as the audience do not know what could lurk in the hills.

The Shining

Production company credited first. Shot duration is longer and is filmed at a slower pace to build the tension of the scene.

Credits producer before actors or crew.

Credits actors.

The Se7en 

This opening contains music that feels quite heavy which creates the feeling of suspense and fear for the viewer.


The Call

The killer of this film used to have a very close relationship with his sister

She used to have luscious blonde hair.

However she was diagnosed with cancer.

And relationship she had with her brother strengthened.

So the killer abducts girls who have blonde hair in an effort to remember his deceased sister.

This shot creates suspense as there is a quick flash up which focuses on her eyes, making her appear to have supernatural properties which is an effective shot to use to create a thriller.

Monday 20 March 2017

Exemplar risk assessments.

Managing risk is an essential past of running business. Employers who ignore risk need to be aware that their business can be closed down.    Within the film Industry there are recent examples of things going wrong with reference to Harrison Ford and Pinewood studios, the studio is likely to have to pay Millions in compensation due to Harrison ford's unfortunate incident with a pneumatically closing door on the Millennium falcon which broke his leg.

With regards to your risk assessment all groups need to have their risks cleared by their tutor before proceeding to shoot.    The team will need to reflect on the content of the script, their recce shots and story boards to be able to identify all associated hazards for their film opening.

This needs to be taken seriously, in the real world employees and their directors are responsible for determining the risk their fellow employees are exposed to at work.  A failure to follow a rigorous risk assessment can result in jail sentences.

Please see the following exemplar as a way in which risk should be assessed.

Monday 13 March 2017

Why do a site plan?

The site plan itself is a schematic plan drawing that can be created by your  self using simple illustrations to show a birds eye view of the shoot location.  
Teams are required to construct a site plan for a number of reasons.

  • shoot logistics, what does the site look like before the shoot, what items may need to be moved prior to the shoot
  • are there any health and safety implications, the site plan should be used as part of the risk assessment
  • where will you locate the camera, actors and any props required as part of the shoot
  • why did you choose the site in the first place, how does the location contribute to the film opening/trailer/video narrative that you intend on making. 
  • shoot logistics, what does the site look like before the shoot, what items may need to be moved prior to the shoot
  • are there any health and safety implications, the site plan should be used as part of the risk assessment
  • where will you locate the camera, actors and any props required as part of the shoot
  • why did you choose the site in the first place, how does the location contribute to the film opening/trailer/video narrative that you intend on making. 
  • how and when will you shoot your footage what time of day/night, do you need additional lighting
  • how will you change the appearance of a location through edit treatments such as saturation, colour, contrast, brightness etc. 

Please see below in terms of the students analysis oft the site location: -

This site plan was significantly insightful during the planning process of the shoot for many reasons. Firstly, it aided us in the planning of the shot composition, as it allowed us to carefully plan the shots to ensure that we would not include anything in the setting that would sabotage the miss-en-scene. For example, we paid special attention to ensuring that we planned our shot compositions so that the entrance to the car park was not in shot for example. In addition to this, this gave us a further insight into planning the logistics of the filming as it helped contextualise the location of each individual scene. This helped us plan the order in which to shoot each scene, as we often shot in accordance to the proximity to our current location.

What is a Recce:  verb. If you recce an area, you visit that place in order to become familiar with it. People usually recce an area when they are going to return at a later time to do something there.
The following were selected from a previous group as part of their Advanced portfolio.  The information includes Google maps on potential locations and images (which can be used as the "recce"  

The Recce is another important part of the planning process so that you can identify: